
We all know the competition for finding good employees has become increasingly difficult. This makes it more important than ever to keep the good ones we already have. Focusing on ways to motivate and engage your staff is key to successful employee retention.

Handling Cash

In a 2014 survey, “Measuring progress toward a cashless society,” MasterCard found that, while most Canadians use debit or credit cards, cash accounted for more than 40% of consumer transactions. In liquor stores, cash still reigns supreme among many types of customers, including those with a criminal bent. Cash theft is a threat from both within and outside store doors.

Managing Health and Safety

Your bartender twists her ankle or your cook is injured from slipping in the kitchen, and they can’t come to work. It’s a scenario you don’t even want to think about—and not just for their sake, but for yours. For a small pub or bar, you are already tight on staff, so even one workplace accident can spell disaster.

Analyze Staffing Levels

Managing employees' performance and controlling labour costs continue to demand a significant portion of management's attention. Fueled by increasing minimum wages, labour scarcity, and hyper competition for talented staff, operators are finding it increasingly difficult…